According to the President’s decree “About awarding March 8 - International Women's Day” of March 6, 2019, a group of women who worked in various fields were awarded with orders and medals. Among them, Mehriniso Komalova, deputy chairman in coordinating the activities of local governments of citizens in the Yakkabog district.

If you do a good job for your neighbors, its effectiveness will not be long – says M. Komalova. - We also went to a distant place and encouraged children to read books. We tried to create conditions for families who did not have enough time to do homework. When I meet these children now, their eyes glorify, and I rejoice. Tomorrow I believe that these children will grow up talented. This confidence triggers new initiatives.

Indeed, the problem will not be small. It is noteworthy that the officials of the mahalla system in the district pay special attention to the problem of the family.

The District Council for the Coordination of Citizens' Self-Government Organizations Organizes Activities such as “Tadbirkor - Elga Yordamchi”, “Hunar-hunardan unar”. As a result, only 38 girls in the Chumich mahalla were provided with work in embroidery and sewing. In addition, a number of social, legal, psychological and financial assistance is provided to women in need of assistance and women in difficult social conditions, including the disabled.

“The first days of spring — the good news on the eve of International Women's Day pleased me,” says Mehriniso Komalova. - Marked by a President decree, I was awarded the Shukhrat medal. It was recognition and inspiration for my 44 years of work and called for more effective work.

Shokhista BOZOROVA

According to

29-03-2019 |
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