The initiative of the Kashkadarya regional Council of the Democratic Party of the national revival of Uzbekistan in connection with the holiday Navruz was held in the Chirakchi region under the slogan "On the way to physical and spiritual perfection!".

It is worth noting that the event is aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle among women and protecting them from bad habits, as well as at creating an effective system of physical education and sports.

As part of the health promotion campaign, a free medical examination was organized. Women participants competed in such competitions as marathon, wrestling, volleyball, table tennis and chess, aged 7 to 45 years. Chess games were also organized.

 “I won the first place in wrestling at the competition,” said M. Saidullaeva. - Most importantly, today's event was held in a very good mood. I am convinced that such competitions are important in all respects. The participation of women in the mass sports is an important factor in the formation of a healthy generation.

At the end of the event, all women who took an active part in the action were presented with souvenirs from the organizers.

Ulmas Barotov, UzA

29-03-2019 |
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