The regional stage of the military frontier competition "Young Frontiers" was held in Nishan district. Five teams from vocational colleges in the district and students who study in schools competed in it.

As is known, the military-patriotic competition “Youth Border Guards” has traditionally been held in our country since 2011” said Aybek Dauletmuratov, head of the military unit of the Border Troops of the State Security Service. “The purpose of this competition is to attract additional students from the border regions of the country to love for the motherland, commitment to military service and step-by-step preparation for the border service.

At the stage of the Nishan district, the teams also demonstrated their skills in singing, running, turning, as well as socio-political and military knowledge. The results were evaluated by the jury.

According to the final results, the “Sergaklar” team of the Nishan Transport and Service Professional College ranked third, and the team of the “Kalkan” team of secondary school № 24 took the second place.

The team "followers of Amir Temur" from secondary school № 13 was the absolute winner and won a ticket to the regional stage of the competition.

The winners of the competition were presented gifts from the organizers.

Sobir Narziev

08-04-2019 |
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