April 10 is the birthday of Abdullah Kadiri

In the second half of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century, people began to propagate ideas, such as changes in the sociocultural life of people. The propagandists of these ideas were the outstanding Jadid enlighteners. One of them, Abdullah Kadiri, also grew up under the influence of such actions, and later became a supporter of this movement. 

It is known that the author’s first creative works, such as “Yangi masjid va maktab”, “To’y”, “Axvolimiz”, “Millatimga bir qaror!”, “Fikr aylagil”, were published in the newspapers “Sadoi Turkiston” and “Oyna”. As a poet, he calls on his people to fight against ignorance and superstition and not be indifferent to the events taking place. In particular, the life and work of the writer after the October Revolution is closely connected with the periodical press. In 1919 he was the editor of the newspaper “Oziq Ishlari”. Later he worked as a literary correspondent in the newspapers Revolution, Participation, and Red Flag.

He is one of the founders of the magazine "Mushtum". He also created the publishing house himself. Most of the "live" articles and stories in the magazine belongs to him. In his satirical tales from the “Memories of Kalpak Makhzum” series, he tried to portray the nature of certain negative characters and phenomena in their complexity and contradiction with time.

The novelty of the novel is remarkable, and it is evident in the field of journalism. Consequently, he created genres such as essay, feuilleton in the Uzbek press.

The intellectuality and culture of its people are manifested in a series of serious, artistic works and plots of a number of topics, such as the dramas “Baxtsiz kuyov”, “Juvonboz”, “Uloqda”, “Jinlar bazmi”. Especially in the story "Uloqda" the writer looks like an artist, not a storyteller. The phenomenon implies an artistic expression of the event, a neutral position. He describes an innocent child in his story. This story is not only about the work of Kadiri, but also about the successes of the Uzbek realistic narrative.

 Creating the novel "O’tgan Kunlar", he improves the existing traditions, proves his new rules in practice. He showed courage in his time and dared to write a novel, which was not yet open to Uzbek literature.

The writer, like other intellectuals, has been slandered, imprisoned and executed ... Although the physical body was destroyed, the immortal works of art did not stop teaching people truth and justice, truth and integrity.


Odil Begimov

Associate Professor of Karshi Engineering Economic Institute,

Candidate of Philology

13-04-2019 |
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