In the city of Karshi, the judo championship of Uzbekistan was held in a specialized boarding school for the Olympic reserve among boys and girls born in 1999-2000.

It was attended by 398 athletes (97 girls) from the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the city of Tashkent and all regions.

In the three-day competition, girls and boys competed in three weight categories. Dilshodbek Yuldashev (66 kg), Jaloliddin Kurbonmurodov (81 kg) defended the honor of our region. Among the girls of judo are representatives of our region Farangiz Kholmurodova (63 kg), Filura Ergasheva (70 kg) who fought for the prize. They demonstrated their strength in their weight categories and became champions of Uzbekistan.


29-03-2019 |
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