67 boys and girls grew up in 32 families in the Kashkadarya region. When their parents decide to divorce, it is likely that these children become orphans.

It is hard to imagine such a childish heart with an agonizing gaze. But ...

Recently, Holmumin Yodgorov, Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court, and Gulnara Marufova, Deputy Chairman of the Women's Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, visited the Kashkadarya region and held an open dialogue to study and reconcile problem families and their problems.

In the “House of Culture” in Karshi, at events held in the Construction and Industrial College of the Yakkabag District, the couple were invited to file for divorce and were shown the video “Save the Children”.

The film explains how the family falls into the lives of children and other negative consequences.

Parents who face the bitter reality of life, really reflect. They thought their children would suffer humiliation and serious psychological suffering.

This was revealed during separate interviews with couples who decided to divorce. After explaining the legal consequences of the divorce, 32 single couples decided to make peace.

More importantly, 67 of these families are currently growing up in the hearts of their parents.

Indeed, when families are peaceful and prosperous, peace and prosperity reign in society. Therefore, the preservation and strengthening of the family are considered eternal values.

The head of our state, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in his speech at the solemn ceremony devoted to the International Women's Day, signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Supreme Court and the Women's Committee and initiated a dialogue with the Women's Committee.

Because it is an opportunity to save families damaged in this way, and in many cases it will show their positive results.

Thus, in 2018, 958 families were saved from divorce, which means that hundreds of children will be happy.

Such good deeds will continue.

Norgul Abduraimova, UzA

29-03-2019 |
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