On the basis of an invitation from the head of our state, in order to increase the love of books, each leader must present books to the school in which he studied and to local educational institutions, in particular, his own school library.

In particular, deputy chairman of the Central Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, member of the Senate of Oliy Majlis Maksud Vorisov, members of the faction in the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis Kamila Karamova, Feruza Eshmatova and chairman of the regional council of the party Olim Ravshanov visited secondary school № 6  in Karshi and presented a collection of books.

Hamidulla Shermatov, director of the Dekhkanabad potash fertilizer plant, a deputy of the regional Council of People's Deputies, presented a collection of books to the school number 23 of the village of Beshbulak of the Dekhkanabad district and the 24th comprehensive school in the village of Chuchukuduk.

Muzaffar TOROPOV


04-04-2019 |
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