The construction of the KARSHI-BITUM plant in Karshi, Kashkadarya region, has begun, to produce bitumen and additional diesel fuel. It is planned that the plant will employ more than 300 people. This is reported by the press service of the regional administration.

In order to increase foreign direct investment in the region, effective agreements and memorandums of cooperation were signed with many countries, such as Russia, South Korea, China and Belarus.

The event was attended by hakim of the region Zafar Ruziev, representatives of foreign investors and the public, organized in connection with the creation of a joint venture KARSHI-BITUM.

The joint venture “KARSHI-BITUM” was established on the basis of cooperation with LLC “MINORA QURISH EKSPEDITSIYASI” and LLC “KAYLAS” of the Russian Federation.

LLC KAYLAS is a Russian corporation and carries out investment activities in the sphere of production and commerce of the company.

Joint-stock company "MINORA QURISH EKSPEDITSIYASI" of the Republic of Uzbekistan carries out construction of drilling rigs in the oil and gas field, transport and drilling equipment.

Bitumen and additional diesel fuel produced by KARSHI-BITUM LLC are the most important products of our country.

Completion of the first stage of the construction of an oil refinery at KARSHI-BITUM LLC is expected in December 2019, and the total cost of the construction project is 16,000,000 US dollars, of which 14,000,000 US dollars are foreign investment. The main activity of the plant is the extraction of bitumen and additional diesel fuel from the processing of heavy oil and petroleum products.

          According to the project, the refinery KARSHI-BITUM LLC will have an annual processing capacity of 150,000 tons. It is expected that the project will create jobs for 300 people. This contributes to the creation of additional jobs at the national level and the supply of raw materials for road construction.

It is noteworthy that in recent years a large amount of foreign investment has been attracted in our country. Important measures are being taken to improve the investment climate, encourage direct investment and strengthen investor confidence.

This year, with the support of the regional government, the parties reached an agreement on cooperation in various fields with Russia, South Korea, China and Belarus. Currently, practical work is underway to launch new projects with the attraction of foreign investment. Only two joint ventures have been commissioned in Karshi over the past two months.

After the event, foreign guests and members of the public toured the sights of Karshi city. In particular, they got acquainted with the conditions created in the park of patriots.

Murodilla Komilov

29-03-2019 |
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