In Uzbekistan, systematic work is being done to support the young, to ensure their employment and to engage in entrepreneurial activity. The decree of the President on “Youth is our future” raised such works to a new level.

Within the framework of the State Program approved by the Decree, the Foundation “Youth is Our Future”, as well as its district and city branches were established at the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan. At the same time, the Fund provides financial support to business initiatives, start-ups, ideas and projects of many young people.

Uktam Sayfullaev from Kasan is one of those young people who launched their own initiative with the support of the Foundation.

“I wanted to start a milk processing business,” said the young businessman. “When I heard that the Foundation “Youth - Our Future” provided soft loans, I also presented my business plan. The project was supported and granted a soft loan in the amount of 550 million sums. For this money we bought a new set of high-tech equipment. Currently, our company produces 4 types of dairy products. 4 people have a permanent job.

The entrepreneur says that now milk is mainly taken from the population. Not many suppliers of raw materials. Production capacity also depends on the amount of raw materials. Due to the high market demand, the goal of a young entrepreneur is to increase the number of suppliers of raw materials by multiplying several types of products and quantities.


In the photo:

the production workshop of LLC “Kashadaryo sanoat montage”,

founded by the young entrepreneur Uktam Sayfullayev.

08-04-2019 |
Foto galereya