The Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted a resolution “On measures for the effective use of the tourism potential of the Kashkadarya region”. The goal is to create favorable conditions for a wider access of tourists to unique historical, cultural and architectural objects of cultural heritage, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the development of infrastructure for the provision of targeted tourist services. The implementation of this document will also provide a solid foundation for further expanding the flow of tourists to the region, expanding their stay in the region and increasing the number of locals involved in the tourism business, turning Kashkadarya into a center of cultural and leisure activities.

Otabek Olimjonov, head of the regional department of the State Committee for the Development of Tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan, said that on March 8 this year, the document was approved in accordance with the plan of measures to create new tourist destinations in the Kashkadarya region.

In this plan of activities there are 6 directions: - ethno-tourism (In the village of Gilon and Kul in the Shakhrisabz region), agrotourism (in the village of Varganza and Khazrati Bashir of the Kitab district), extreme tourism (in the village of Tatar, Zarmas and Vori of the Yakkabag region), ecological tourism ( in the village of Sarchashma and Suvtushar of the Shakhrisabz district), astronomical tourism (in the region of the Kitab latitudinal station) and MICE-tourism is formed under the “City of Festivals” brand (in Shakhrisabz), reports O.Olimjonov. - The State Committee for Tourism Development, regional and city hokimiyats interact with the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Culture, the State Committee for Highways, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, private tourism organizations and culinary associations, as well as many other organizations and agencies.


According to the decree, the regional hokimiyat together with the State Committee for the Development of Tourism will create a list of additional investment projects for the development of the tourism industry in the Kashkadarya region for 2019-2020 and submit it to the appropriate coordination council within two months.

Also, in accordance with the regulatory and legal documents, it was recommended to organize information tours for journalists, make a short film “Kashkadarya foods” and video clips in 3 languages ​​about the tourism potential of our region.

In another part of the government decree outlined measures for the implementation of a major project PIT STOP M-39, to increase the tourist potential of our region. According to him, in order to create a parking lot for foreign and domestic tourists, an agreement was reached on the sale of the building and facilities of the state unitary enterprise “Shakhrisabz Avtoshoxbekat” LLC of “Abdizafar Hamkor” at a zero redemption value.

It is noted that for the implementation of the project, the investor needs to invest 20 billion sums, create the possibility of the emergence of tourist vehicles, namely tourist buses, create a schedule of buses arrival and departure at special stops and create at least 60 new jobs.

The resolution also outlines a number of other measures aimed at developing the tourism potential of Kashkadarya, and their full implementation will undoubtedly contribute to a significant increase in the number of local and foreign tourists visiting the region, and a significant increase in incomes of the population engaged in tourism and the services sector.

   Prepared by Temur NIZOMOV.

According to

29-03-2019 |
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