Today, everything is closely related to information technology, the number of Internet users is growing day by day, and Internet access is available almost anywhere in the world. However, this “virtual world” is also used as a key weapon for various forces for the propaganda of terrorist, extremist propaganda and ideas, the propaganda of their views and participation in various criminal groups. At the same time, new problems and threats to global and regional security are emerging.

It is worth noting that cyber-terrorism is a new and unprecedented crime. Terrorist acts carried out by studying the technologies of biological, chemical and even nuclear weapons through open sources on the Internet, attract the attention of law enforcement agencies. It can also be said that cyber-terrorists can obtain confidential information by illegally destroying sites.

Cyberterrorism is in fact unlawful interference with information technology, deliberate destruction of software or data on a computer, damage to the activities of significant government stakeholders, as well as damage to people's lives, material damage or massive intimidation and military conflicts.

Another reason for the rapid growth of cyberterrorism is that it is cheaper than an act of terrorism like a weapon, without military action and bloodshed. Insidious movements are carried out using the Internet and social networks.

The Internet is open, fast and economical, lack of control or lack of control, the presence of users around the world, fast and inappropriate dissemination of information quickly and inexpensively, the ability to communicate with groups, the anonymity of communication, the uncertainty of the source, strategic opportunities, the presence of illegal connections to computers and the viability of networks is attracted to terrorist organizations.

Today, terrorism is not limited to the territory of a particular country where militants are hiding or headquarters. They have already been transferred to cyberspace. Terrorist organizations skillfully use the latest technologies and capabilities of the Internet to expand their ranks and achieve their goals. Thus, they provide information on terrorist activities, goals and objectives, spreading their ideas and ideologies among the public, including information and psychological interaction with Internet users, panic among people, means to support terrorist acts, toxic substances, explosives and training equipment and technologies for their production, as well as the admission of new members to a terrorist organization.

This was especially evident in the activities of a terrorist organization, which had terrible consequences in the next 5-6 years. They created a separate structure that brings together experts in the promotion of ideas and goals in their system. Today, 80% of such information is available on the Internet, owned by terrorist organizations operating in the Middle East.

According to the analysis of the media and the statements of the victims, most of the efforts to spread radical ideas and recruiting organizations are carried out on social networks such as Facebook, Classmates, VKontakte, Twitter, Youtube.

Along with psychologically processed mobile broadcasts and anti-extremist videos, the growing number of e-shops that allow them to buy terrorist characters is also a component of cyber-terrorism.

We must be aware of this danger and protect our children from all kinds of harm.



regional officer of Internal Affairs

According to

29-03-2019 |
Фото галерея