In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 8, 2019 “On additional measures to further improve sectoral entrepreneurship on the territory of comprehensive socio-economic development”, the head of the regional department of internal affairs Dilshod Tursunbayev, head of the third sector, met with residents of the Bashir mahalla of the Kitab district.

The event was attended by members of the sectoral working group, district khokimiyats, as well as heads of relevant departments and 215 citizens from 15 mahallas of the district department of internal affairs.

53 of them made their appeals on various issues. Appeals were mainly on passports, concessional loans, cadastre, land, housing, drinking water, quality of education, as well as the installation of a new transformer and the renewal of power poles, a disability pension, a library for young people, and the construction of a museum.

Based on this, 12 cases were resolved on the spot, 18 were sent for execution, and the rest received legal advice.

On the same day, the employment department provided work and the Union of Youth Subsystems and commercial banks also organized fairs of soft loans for youth and employees of the Center for Public Services.


04-04-2019 |
Фото галерея