On April 2, an exhibition and event of books on the theme “I give a book to my child” were organized at the Regional Information and Resource Center on the International Children's Book Day.

Famous poets and writers, scientists, community activists, parents and students took part in the event organized by the regional information and resource center, the regional puppet theater and a number of educational institutions. At the event dedicated to the Open Day, the children went to the world of literature. They got acquainted with the opportunities created in the regional information resource center, textbooks and literature, databases and electronic resources.

“The book is the most effective means of learning,” said Bekzod Juraev, head of the regional department of public education. - There is no harm from reading. Love for the books of our children, above all, grows in the family. Parents should be an example for their children.

Poems, songs, performances, dances about the book had a great influence on this event.

The center also hosts exhibitions of art books, where parents buy interesting books and donate them to their children.



10-04-2019 |
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