In Karshi city, a mass marathon was held under the slogan "Followers of Amir Temur".

Managers and employees of organizations and institutions, students, pupils, housewives and others took part in the marathon organized by the regional hokimiyat, the department of physical culture and sports, etc.

Although it is difficult to formulate accurate information about the number of participants, many young people came to the playground of the specialized school named after Abdulla Aripov early in the morning to take part in the race.

The start began from the part opposite the street of Islam Karimov. The finish was placed in front of the "Patriotic Garden".

At the beginning of the tour, members of the regional council of the organization Vatanparvar, cycling participants, rode a bicycle with the flag of our country. Marathon runners ran after them.

Those who came to the final stage in a snapshot and grace were greeted with karnay-surnay music. The main thing is not how they won, but the joy of participating in such a massive marathon, their love of sport and an unusual festive spirit.

“Running is useful for health,” said Gulom Primov, a teacher at Karshi College of Culture and Tourism. "I'm 60 years old, but I'm still young." Such mass competitions are very important for promoting a healthy lifestyle among the population.

At the end of the marathon, participants went around the “Park of Patriots”.


18-04-2019 |
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