The company “POOYA POLYMER TEHRAN” of the Islamic Republic of Iran expressed its willingness to invest in the region’s economy. Due to the proximity of raw materials, a foreign investor said that Guzar district is the most suitable. The head of the department of investments and foreign trade of the district hokimiyat Azamat Avazov informed about this.

According to him, the delegation headed by the director of the company Kamron Gani recently arrived in the region on a working visit. Mutual negotiations were held with the hokim of the foreign business district. During the conversation, the guests were given the investment potential of the area, business opportunities. Then potential proposals were studied, and representatives of the Iranian company expressed their desire to continue cooperation.

“This company has long been engaged in the production of polymers,” says Azamat Avazov. - The existing capacity of this subject is capable of producing up to 80 thousand tons of finished industrial products per year. Today, the company exports its products to countries such as Turkey, Canada, Korea, Germany and Switzerland.

It was noted that the parties agreed on the registration of a foreign enterprise in the Guzar district in June of this year. First of all, it is planned to organize the production of drip irrigation systems. If more than 30% of raw materials are required, the rest will be imported from Iran. At the initial stage of the project, which is estimated at about $ 2 million, 20 people will be hired.

During the visit, investors also visited the reception of the regional governor Zafar Ruziev.


18-04-2019 |
Фото галерея