The competition organized by the district council of the Democratic Party of Uzbekistan "Milly Tiklanish" and the regional branch of the Center for Spirituality and Education and it was attended by students of vocational colleges and teachers of physical culture of the district.

“Our human duty is to learn, revive, promote the forgotten popular games and pass them on to future generations,” said Gulandom Sattarova, a member of the Council of People's Deputies of the Kitab District. - In this competition, participants competed in such kinds of national games as "Eshak Mindi", "Tosh Kutarish", “Yelkada Kurash", "Arqon Tortish", "Oq Terakmi, Kuk Terak", "Urib qochar", "Arg’amchida sakrash".

During the competition, viewers enjoyed the enthusiasm of those who participated in the games, as well as the impressive charm of our national games.

After an intense and exciting game, the names of the winning teams became clear. At the end of the event, the winners were awarded with memorable souvenirs from the organizers.


According to

29-03-2019 |
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