On March 12, students from Karshi State University and seven other higher educational institutions took part in a dictatorial competition in French that held for the first time in Uzbekistan.

According to the French Embassy in Uzbekistan, this competition is held annually on March 20 in honor of the Day of Francophonia, in accordance with the date of the creation of the French-language organization of cooperation.

The event was attended by students from universities of National and State languages ​​of Uzbekistan and Andijan, Bukhara, Karshi, Urgench, Fergana state universities and Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages.

“This competition was attended by 82 students studying French at our university, and 18 students of the English course, which is the second foreign language,” said the head of the French Language and Literature department of Karshi State University, Aziza Zoirova, winner of the “Academic Palm" medal of the Republic of France. They wrote a dictatorship on the basis of a single text that was provided by the organizers simultaneously with students from other institutions and universities. This text is taken from the novel "La villa des femmes" by Lebanese writer Sharif Majdalani, who was awarded in 2015 by eminent French writer Jan Jiono.

According to the terms of the competition, each school sends the three best dictators to the French Embassy in Uzbekistan. After all the work from the 3 best works will be selected. Winners will be awarded at the Festival of Francophonia, which will be held March 27 in the capital.

Birodar Azizov

According to qashqadaryogz.uz

29-03-2019 |
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