Over the past year, 366 servicemen who served in the military units of the region were awarded diplomas that will enable them to receive soft loans for starting business and entrepreneurship.

As it is known, according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On additional measures for social support of military men of the Republic of Uzbekistan" serving military service for at least six months, among military men, seminars and round tables were held to explain the registration of business activities and the provision of loans to military personnel. Accordingly, many training seminars were organized in military units located in our area.

In our region, in 6 military units of the Ministry of Defense, 679 servicemen took part in such exercises, said Adham Tokhirov, director of the regional office of the Center for Supporting Youth Entrepreneurship of Uzbekistan. After testing, 366 soldiers were awarded diplomas.

Now, these young people, upon returning home after the end of military service, will be able to get a soft loan and start their own business on the basis of a certificate.


According to qashqadaryogz.uz

29-03-2019 |
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