Such an event was held in the Dekhkanabad district in cooperation with the regional center of spirituality and education, the regional department of culture, the Dekhkanabad potash plant and the Center for the Development of Folklore and Intangible Cultural Heritage "Voris". Famous bakhshi poets, folklorists, cultural workers, bakhshi fans and employees of the Dekhkanabad Potash Plant took part in the festival.

The festival was opened by the hokim of the region Z. Alikulov and the director of the Dekhkanabad potash plant Y. Shermatov. Today, many poets and writers work not only in the region, but also in the Republic and in the international arena. Holiday in the area does not pass without bakhshi.


“In this regard, this event was preceded by thorough, high-level training,” says Fatima Jumayeva, chief specialist of the regional cultural department. - A wide range of folklore traditions and values, which is the leading genre of oral folklore, is aimed at preserving, studying and developing folk traditions and values, as well as encouraging talented bachelor artists of the region. This art teaches people courage, honesty and love of the land.

The first part of the event, which took place at the Dekhkonobod Potash Plant, was held in the hall of the Chamber of Deputies. The event was devoted to the modern state of development of Bakhshi art, achievements and shortcomings, the role of these types of art in the life of the population. Doctor of Philology, Director of the Museum of Literature. Alisher Navoi of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan Jabbor Eshonkulov, scholars of folklore of KSU Abdualim Ergashev, Nasim Ochilov, People’s Public Performers bakhshi Kahhar and Abdimurod Ragimov and others.

 It was noted that the creators and performers of the unique talent of the bakhshi of Kashkadarya region are recognized in the world. Voices of poets such as Kadir Bakhshi Rahim Ugli (died), Azim Poet and Hazratkul Xudoyberdi Ugli reached other foreign countries such as Turkey, America, Russia, France, Altai, India, Mongolia and subdued the hearts of their fellow countrymen. Some of them were in foreign countries, took part in international conferences.

The festival was dedicated to the memory of the famous Kadir Bakhshi Rakhimov and a bakhshi competition was organized. This competition was attended by more than 30 lovers. Chori bakhshi Umirov, Rasul Bakhshi Umirov, eight-year-old Diyorbek Rasulov, national bakhshi Shodmon Khudzhamberdiev from the Dekhkanabad district of the Surkhandarya region demonstrated their skills.

The second place was taken by Murodulla Alikulov, the third - Sanjar Chubaev. 82-year-old Chori Bakhshi Umirov in the nomination “The Oldest Bastion”, his grandson Diyorbek Rasulov were nominated in the nomination “The Youngest bakhshi”. Also such bakhshi performers like Ahmad Shoturayev, Alier Normatov, Anvar Buriev, Muhammadi Daminov, brothers Shaykul and Boykul Mirzaev, Erkin Urolov and Ilkhom Ragimov were awarded the title of best performer. All participants received special prizes prepared by the leadership of the Dekhkanabad Potash Plant, and the winners were awarded diplomas.

Soon, an agreement was reached on holding such a festival each year in the Dehkanabad district.

It should be noted that on April 5-10 this year, at the “International Bakhshi Art Festival”, which will be held in Termez, a number of skillful Bakhshi-poets will take part in the competition.

Abdiolim Ergashev

10-04-2019 |
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