683rd anniversary of Amira Temur is widely celebrated in his hometown - the village of Хojailgor of the Yakkabag district. The composition of Amir Temur’s activities and the life of that time was created.

The village Xojailgor invited our compatriots from the districts and villages of the region, from all over the country. The theater-art concert program was shown on the territory adjacent to the ancient well, which is believed to be the most fertile and historical place associated with the birth of the great Sahibkiran.

In the park of Amir Temur with an area of 6 hectares, there is a museum dedicated to the life of the Sahibkiran youth. Not surprisingly, this area was chosen for the museum and the garden. According to sources, Amir Temur was born on the site of an ancient well and was rebuilt according to ancient maps. In addition, the mosque was built in the village during the time of Amir Temur’s father, one of the greatest figures of the Islamic world, Xuja Muhammad ibn al-Qasim.

To make this event more attractive, theatrical dramas reflecting the time of Amir Temur were shown.

Hokim of the region Zafar Ruziev said that Amir Temur and Temurids made a significant contribution to world civilization, so we should always be proud of them and be worthy of our great ancestors. In turn, he congratulated the local youth, who won in international and national competitions.

Samples of folk crafts, folk dance show, ethnographic review, harmonious composition, reminiscent of the era of Amir Temur, led everyone into the story.

Photos taken by Murod Komilov

13-04-2019 |
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