Our people consider fish "honey". The reason is that there are many beneficial ingredients for human health. Experts say that fish can be eaten with cardiovascular diseases, anemia, gall bladder and physical stress, neurosis, skin diseases, gout and rheumatism.

In addition, fishing is one of the most profitable sectors. Thanks to its all-round development, it is possible to provide the domestic market with dietary food products, as well as create thousands of additional jobs and improve the well-being of the population.

Therefore, the government pays special attention to the development of the fish sector, adopting a number of legal acts aimed at improving the legal framework of the industry, supporting all fisheries actors, and introducing modern technologies into their activities. In particular, the Presidential Decree of November 6, 2018 provides for a number of measures to create favorable conditions for entrepreneurs engaged in promising projects in the field of fisheries, providing additional benefits that will further stimulate the interest of the population and entrepreneurs in this type of activity. Taking into account the aforementioned decision and instructions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from December 13-14 last year, the Kashkadarya region developed a program of targeted fish farming activities in 2019. This year it is planned to produce about 20,000 tons of fish, which is almost two times more than last year (10 thousand 157 tons in 2018).

Experts note that feeding fish in small artificial ponds in our country is a more profitable and efficient way than natural conditions. The reason is that most of this is not required for a large amount of labor and a large amount of water, and water is used rationally. For example, you can create fishing grounds with several streams on the banks of rivers, small rivers. Part of the water is thrown into this pool, comes out on the other side and returns to its base. That is, water returns to the fields and has no effect on water quality or water balance. In a small pool fish can be provided with sufficient nutritional support. This method can even produce four or five acres of fish in tuna. Many of our compatriots point this out in their activities.

In particular, there are currently three hatcheries with a total capacity of 110 million larvae in the region, and another major project will be implemented this year. That is, on the farm Bo-Zarif in the Sechankul reservoir of the Mirishkor district, an incubation plant with a capacity of 50 million larvae per year is launched. Currently this store comes with modern technology from China.

At the same time, the production of fodder for fish industry is being developed. It should be noted that many projects are implemented by entrepreneurs in this direction. In particular, last year, Trowel Kafolat LLC, operating in Karshi, acquired a modern technological line worth 1 billion 360 million sums and launched 450 tons of feed per month.

“This year we have developed another project for the development of fisheries,” said Bahriddin Murtazaev, head of Trowel Garant LLC.

“Our project involves the launch of 250 tons of bee fish and more than 10 thousand tons of feed production.

When the financial issues related to obtaining a loan are resolved, we purchase the necessary equipment and start up electricity.

Until recently, only three fish processing and storage enterprises operated in the region. This year, 4 more large-scale projects will be implemented in this direction. In particular, “Qashqadaryobaliqsanoat” LLC is implementing a large-scale project that will allow keeping fish in good condition.

Of course, the development of fisheries in our country will help meet the demand of the population for fish and fish products, reduce their cost and improve the health of the population.


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Photos taken by Sabir NARZIEV.


08-04-2019 |
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