Бахши рассеет страну по всему миру

Бахши рассеет страну по всему миру

Такое мероприятие было проведено в Дехканабадском районе в сотрудничестве с областным центром духовности и просвещения, региональным отделом культуры, Дехканабадским калийным заводом и Центром развития фольклора и нематериального культурного наследия «Вориса». На фестивале приняли участие известные поэты-бахши, фольклористы, деятели культуры, фанаты искусства бахши и сотрудники Дехканабадского калийного завода.  Фестиваль открыли хоким района З. Аликулов и директор Дехканабадского калийного завода Я. Шерматов. Сегодня многие поэты и писатели работают не только в регионе, но и...

  • Turizm
  • 272
  • 10.04.2019
Что такое кража, как с этим бороться?

Что такое кража, как с этим бороться?

Владение принадлежащим вам имуществом - это воровство. Ограбление также может быть результатом кражи сырья или готового продукта работником производства или передачи имущества, доверенного другому лицу. Статья 169 Уголовного кодекса Республики Узбекистан описывает понятие кражи. По статье, ограбление это кража имущества другого лица в тайне. Наиболее распространенной формой грабежа является «кривая рука». В ходе расследования процент раскрытия кражи по-прежнему невелик. Потому что это происходит тайно. Субъектом этого преступления, может быть любое физическое лицо в возрасте 14...

  • Ijtimoiy
  • 1711
  • 10.04.2019
Bakhshi will scatter the country around the world

Bakhshi will scatter the country around the world

Such an event was held in the Dekhkanabad district in cooperation with the regional center of spirituality and education, the regional department of culture, the Dekhkanabad potash plant and the Center for the Development of Folklore and Intangible Cultural Heritage "Voris". Famous bakhshi poets, folklorists, cultural workers, bakhshi fans and employees of the Dekhkanabad Potash Plant took part in the festival. The festival was opened by the hokim of the region Z. Alikulov and the director of the Dekhkanabad potash plant Y. Shermatov. Today, many poets and writers work not only in the region,...

  • Ijtimoiy
  • 160
  • 10.04.2019
The song - penetrated by the silver rays of the moon

The song - penetrated by the silver rays of the moon

The presentation of the romantic drama “Hushvakt” performed by the famous art critic Olimjon Salimov was held at the Regional Musical Drama Theater. The performance is based on the stories of Togay Murad “Oydinda Yurgan Odamlar” and “Ot kishnagan oqshom”. Despite the fact that they have no children, the rider Ziyodulla and his wife Momosuluv, in love with each other, live in anticipation of their future and their hopes. This love sounds like a hymn on the stage, and their hopes go to the silver moon. The rider Ziyodulla finds love in his horse. A work of...

  • Ijtimoiy
  • 163
  • 10.04.2019
423 applications were reviewed at the reception of the hokim

423 applications were reviewed at the reception of the hokim

Hokim of the region Zafar Ruziev held a reception in Yakkabag district to communicate with the population and solve their problems. It was attended by representatives of regional and district hokimiyats, the Front for National Liberation, heads of law enforcement agencies, sectors and officials. Special attention was paid to the protection of the legitimate interests of citizens, the elimination of their problems and the establishment of justice. 423 applications for electricity, housing, education and medicine, business development were received. Most of them were resolved on the spot, with...

  • Ijtimoiy
  • 149
  • 10.04.2019
The book is the most effective way of education

The book is the most effective way of education

On April 2, an exhibition and event of books on the theme “I give a book to my child” were organized at the Regional Information and Resource Center on the International Children's Book Day. Famous poets and writers, scientists, community activists, parents and students took part in the event organized by the regional information and resource center, the regional puppet theater and a number of educational institutions. At the event dedicated to the Open Day, the children went to the world of literature. They got acquainted with the opportunities created in the regional information...

  • Ta'lim
  • 177
  • 10.04.2019
Uzbek and turkmen youth competed in the marathon

Uzbek and turkmen youth competed in the marathon

A marathon was organized in the village of Pomuk in the Mirishkor district, bordering the Republic of Turkmenistan, in which about 2,000 Uzbek and Turkmen young people took part. The marathon was conducted as part of a study conducted by a working group of the Central and Regional Councils of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan in the Mirishkor district. This group got acquainted with children's sports in the region and with questions of increasing the reading culture among young people. Indeed, today there are 3 stadiums and 12 mini-stadiums in the district, where young people use these stadiums...

  • Sport
  • 150
  • 10.04.2019
До сих пор используется 100-летняя домбра Кашкадарьи-Сурхандарьинского искусства бахши (фото)

До сих пор используется 100-летняя домбра Кашкадарьи-Сурхандарьинского искусства бахши (фото)

Народный артист Узбекистана Хаким Мардонакулов пользуется домброй великого деятеля Кашкадарьи-Сурхандарьинской школы бахши Шерназара Бахши. Об этом сообщила представитель фестиваля пресс-службы «Дарё». Шерназар Бахши внес большой вклад в искусство бахши. У него 46 эпических стихов «Гуруглу» и около десяти авторских стихов. Его домбра использовалась более 100 лет. Фото: Пресс-служба Фестиваля искусства бахши «До этого времени наши руководители не интересовались и даже не знали, где жил Шерназар бахши. Место, где жил Шерназар бахши улучшилось благодаря растущем...

  • Ijtimoiy
  • 204
  • 10.04.2019
Muhammad Ali - the winner of the competition

Muhammad Ali - the winner of the competition "Artistic buds"

Muhammad Ali Rakhmanov, a pupil of the Shakhrisabz Children's Music and Art School No. 2, took part in the contest of “artistic buds”, taking third place among small groups aged 11 to 13, playing the woodwind instruments. A ceremony of awarding the winners of the Republican stage of the competition, held jointly by the Ministry of Culture, the “Sog’lom avlod uchun” International Charitable Foundation, the Association of Composers of Uzbekistan and a number of organizations, took place at the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan. More than 150 young musicians who won...

  • Ta'lim
  • 214
  • 10.04.2019
Yoshlar vatanparvarlikni harbiylardan о‘rganishmoqda

Yoshlar vatanparvarlikni harbiylardan о‘rganishmoqda

Insonda yurtga, oilaga muhabbat va sadoqat yoshlikdan   shakllanadi. Vatanni sevgan, ardoqlagan kishidan esa aslo yomonlik chiqmaydi. Shu ma’noda mamlakatimizda о‘sib kelayotgan yosh avlod vakillarini vatanparvarlik ruhida voyaga yetkazish, ular ongiga yurt himoyasi muqaddas burch ekanini singdirishga muhim masala sifatida qaraladi. Vazirlar Mahkamasining "Yoshlarni harbiy-vatanparvarlik ruhida tarbiyalash konsepsiyasini tasdiqlash tо‘g‘risida"gi qarorida ham bu borada qator chora-tadbirlarni amalga oshirish belgilangan.  DXX Chegara qо‘shinla...

  • Ijtimoiy
  • 2899
  • 09.04.2019