On January 28 of this year, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution “On additional measures to introduce modern and transparent mechanisms for the implementation of the right to allocate land for the allocation of land and the construction of individual housing”. In accordance with this document, the process of acquiring a land plot for electoral purposes was electrified. The same situation may be interesting for many, but it also raises questions.

What will change in practice with the introduction of a new procedure?

Uktam NUSUROV, Deputy Head of the Regional Department of the State Assets Management Agency, announced the following:

Execution of documents is completely reduced

- The main purpose of the transition to this mechanism is to simplify the procedure for the provision of land for housing construction. Of course, this is due to the use of modern methods. It also gives priority to transparency, impartiality of the process, prevention of injustice and the establishment of public control over it.

According to the resolution, the right to lifelong hereditary land for the provision of land and individual housing to the population will be realized through the introduction of modern mechanisms, and the land will be placed on the trading platform "E-IJRO AUKSION".

That is, a person who needs land for building a house is no longer occupied by hakimiyats and various institutions. No need for a paper pen. A citizen can access the e-commerce site via the Internet and participate in online auctions for the sale of their land.

Who has the privilege?

- The government decision also highlights the problem. Chapter 2 of the regulation “On the procedure for granting land plots for the construction of individual housing and the right to lifelong inherited land plots establishes the procedure for granting land plots for individual housing construction”.

According to him, citizens and owners of individual housing for individual housing construction, with an area of ​​up to 0.04 hectares, and parcels of such size, to families of military personnel, are transferred to district (city) hakimiyats without an auction.

Land tax benefits are granted to one family (the owner), and not to other family members.

What are the conditions for participation in trade?

- Notification and information about the lottery about the auction is posted on the operator's site no later than 30 calendar days before the date of the start of the auction.

Individuals, citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, have the right to participate in the auction. It is noteworthy that non-citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan are deprived of this right (with the exception of cases provided by law).

Ownership of vacant land is paid at auction at the lowest price of land specified in the decision (order) of the district (city) hokim.

Accepting an application for participation in an electronic auction begins automatically on the operator’s website on the day of posting the relevant notice and ends two working days before the auction begins (13:00 hours).

What is the procedure for an auction?

- date and time specified in the notice on the website of the operator of the auction. In the case of two or more transactions, the operator spends the working day from 9:00 to 18:00. The time of the electronic auction can be extended by no more than 3 hours and ends at 21:00.

Each stage of the auction consists of five percent of the minimum value of the auction object. The auction begins with the request of its participants to confirm the offer to purchase the lot from the initial price.

If within ten minutes after the proposal has been confirmed, one of the bidders confirms the lot price exceeding the established step, the time will be extended by another ten minutes to confirm the next offer. If after 10 minutes the auction price for the next lot of shares is not confirmed by the auction participant, this will automatically stop approving the auction results.

Auction participants will be given the opportunity to independently determine the next course in the amount of 5, 10 or 20 multiple initial steps.

From the moment the auction ends, the trading platform determines the auction winner and sends to its personal account a request for full payment for the land plot.

If the cost is not fully paid ...

- If the auctioneer fails to pay the full price of the land plot within five working days, the operator will send an e-mail to the winner - the cancellation of the auction results is held no later than the next calendar day.

The operator sends to the auctioneer, who placed the highest bid on the land after the winner - an offer to pay the land within five working days during the auction. If he fully pays the cost of the land plot within five working days, he is considered the winner of the auction and, in accordance with the established procedure, a report on the results of the auction is drawn up.

If the auction is not held, the money must be returned to the appropriate account within two business days. The fee will also be refunded to those who participated in the auction, but not to the winners within two business days.

If the auctioneer notifies the operator that he does not intend to buy the item put up for auction within five working days or does not pay the full value of the property within the specified period, he / she will be allowed to refuse to buy the item put up for auction.

Auctioneers who have not fully paid for the auctioneer are not returned and transferred to special treasury accounts of the respective local budgets.

Further requirements for the winner

- The auctioneer has the right to purchase one land plot once a year for individual housing construction through an electronic online auction.

Citizens who have acquired land and purchased the land put up for auction should use this land plot at the request of the Land Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan purposefully and effectively.

Also in the time established by the legislation (within 3 years in accordance with the Land Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan) construction and commissioning of the object and registration with the relevant state bodies is required.



18-04-2019 |
Foto galereya